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KAYA  \ka-ya\  pronounced  KAH-yah

The meaning of "Kaya" in Sanskrit is 'the physical body'. Kaya also means ‘restful place’, ‘forgiveness’,’ home’, ‘yew tree’, ‘stone’, ‘ willow’, ‘wise child’ or ‘the one with the beautiful body or profile.’ It is of Japanese, Zulu, Turkish, Hopi and Hindi origin. There are also teachings of The Three Kayas in Buddhism. It is often used as a girls name in many different cultures. For us it holds a special place in our hearts.


Kaya was our first fur baby (yes, I mean our dog), she is the sole reason we walked down the path of yoga, transformation, and of course health, & wellness. You see, Kaya got sick with cancer at the age of 6 and we were told she would have about 6 months to year if we chose chemotherapy. We decided to choose the path of natural holistic health. We educated ourselves on nutritional foods, supplements, and other natural holistic alternatives. Kaya made it another 6 years happier and healthier than ever! She didn’t pass from the cancer btw, we like to think we healed her but really theres no way of knowing. She was the light that showed us a better way of living, a more conscious way of living, we chose to transform. We found yoga, awareness, high vibrational foods, essential oils, supplements, and we found others on the same path of wellness. We found inspirational teachers and we spent time and energy educating and transforming ourselves. We built our community through this experience, and want to share our knowledge and passion with you. We offer educational classes on how to reduce your toxic load, how to use essential oils for promoting health and wellness, juices for cleansing and detoxifying the body, and of course yoga for therapeutics.

​© 2016 The Kaya Yoga Remedy

15052 Edwards Street

Huntington Beach, CA 92647


(714) 600-6344

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